Java2Html seems to be a nifty little Java program that converts Java code to HTML format with indentation and syntax highlighting. It provides a few options and it seems is also available as an Eclipse plug-in. I have not tried the plug-in. You can download it as a jar, which I believe should run on any operating system that has a JRE available.
This is what I managed to get using the program:
01 int k;
02 int xpos1 = 100;
03 int xpos2 = 118;
04 int count = 0;
05 int timey = 0;
06 int num = 12;
08 size(200, 200);
09 background(102);
10 noStroke();
12 // Draw gray bars
13 fill(255);
14 k=60;
15 for(int i=0; i < num/3; i++) {
16 rect(25, k, 155, 5);
17 k+=10;
18 }
20 // Black bars
21 fill(51);
22 k = 40;
23 for(int i=0; i < num; i++) {
24 rect(105, k, 30, 5);
25 k += 10;
26 }
27 k = 15;
28 for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
29 rect(125, k, 30, 5);
30 k +=10;
31 }
33 // Thin lines
34 k = 42;
35 fill(0);
36 for(int i=0; i < num-1; i++) {
37 rect(36, k, 20, 1);
38 k+=10;
39 }
Step by step, here is what I have done:
- Download Java2Html from
- Extract into a directory of your choice.
- Create a batch file in the same directory to run the program. All I put in my batch file, which I called run.bat, was: javaw -jar java2html.jar
- You can now double click the batch file in Explorer or create a short-cut on your desktop. For operating systems other than Windows you'll have to do what is required for that operating system to get the same functionality.
- Java2Html allows you to either convert a file or direct text. Select the tab you require and then either open the file or type (cut & paste) your text in the text area.
- I selected Line numbers and I set Tab-space to 8.
- Conversion is done immediately. If you opened a file, the conversion is available on the clip-board. If you did a direct conversion, the text is available in the "Converted Source" text area.
- I stripped off all the headers and code up to the <code> tag and after the </code> tag.
- I also removed all the <br /> tags at the end of each line. For this I used vi (my favourite editor). The command for stripping the tags is: :%s/<br />$//g
- The normal colour for code is black. My blogger theme did not display this well. To change the black text to white, I used vi again to do a global replacement. The command for this was: :%s/color="#000000"/color="#000000"/g
- Now cut and paste what is left over into Blogger using Edit Html
- Important: You have to paste this code while in Edit Html and not Compose, or else your HTML code will be displayed rather than the formatted HTML.
If I have time I might have a look at the source for Java2Html and either extend or modify it to create Blogger-ready code.
I hope this is of help to someone.
The code highlight is quite sweet :)
I've played quite a bit to produce a CSS definition for <pre> that displays a bit better in the blog, but this is definitely better.
Your code is much easier to read, because you've thought of the user....
As a vim user you could have used
:runtime syntax/2html.vim
There is also handy ftplugin valid for Processing 0135 BETA, easily updated though.
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