Sunday, November 9, 2008


If anyone knows how to embed an applet in Blogger please let me know because I am still not having any success. The link below will lead to my personal web site where you can view my latest applet created with Processing.

Screenshot of Applet:

Mandelbrot Curve Applet created with Processing


Anonymous said...

That looks really good on the website, it's a pity you can't put applets in Blogger, isn't it?

I seem to remember reading somewhere that applets work in Wordpress, however, if that helps.

edtoo said...

Vry nice example, I like the zoom feature.

CodeCoaster said...

There is an example of applets in one of the blogs here:
The writer gives a link to the w3org's example of using iframe.
I followed the link and it enabled mr to display an applet in blogger.
I tried to paste the code which is only 4 lines but it was disallowed in a comment.
hope this helps a little